Story Jumper E-Books and videos

Author: Jiří Ort
Published: 27. July 2024

The ICT workshop “Creation of an e-book” was one of the activities of the 1st meeting in Ioannina – GREECE in November 2019.
The participating pupils and teachers selected the digital tool Story Jumper to create the e-books, using material prepared before the meeting.

Czech Republic

This is the official photovideo from the 1st meeting in Ioannina – GREECE November 2019

This is the official video (photovideo) with snapshots from the 1st meeting in Ioannina – GREECE. November 2019

TEACHERS INTERVIEWS 1st meeting Ioannina – GREECE November 2019
(This video created by the partner Spanish school “I.E.S. La Albericia” from Santander.)

PUPILS INTERVIEWS 1st meeting Ioannina – GREECE November 2019
(This video created by the partner Spanish school “I.E.S. La Albericia” from Santander.)